Training in safe patient handling Assisting people safely

Emergency Evacuation

Emergency Evacuation
(half day)

Target Audience
Any staff who might be required to evacuate mobility impaired people from a building.

Course Information

  • The correct strategies for assisting people to leave a building in an emergency will be discussed and practised
  • Dealing with unpredictable events will be covered
  • Depending on requirements, there will be an opportunity to practise use of an evacuation chair down a flight of stairs
  • Depending on requirements, methods of evacuating an immobile person from a bed and out to a muster station will be practised
  • Wheelchair pushing will be practised, emphasising person centred strategies.
  • Relevant legal issues will be discussed, including the need for Personal Emergency Evacuation Plans


Emergency Evacuation
Emergency Evacuation

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For further information or to book a course please email us at


Emergency Evacuation
(half day)

Target Audience
Any staff who might be required to evacuate mobility impaired people from a building.

Course Information

  • The correct strategies for assisting people to leave a building in an emergency will be discussed and practised
  • Dealing with unpredictable events will be covered
  • Depending on requirements, there will be an opportunity to practise use of an evacuation chair down a flight of stairs
  • Depending on requirements, methods of evacuating an immobile person from a bed and out to a muster station will be practised
  • Wheelchair pushing will be practised, emphasising person centred strategies.
  • Relevant legal issues will be discussed, including the need for Personal Emergency Evacuation Plans


Emergency Evacuation
Emergency Evacuation

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For further information or to book a course please email us at


Sling Record

Sling Record is a set of 16 templates, each one featuring a commonly used type of sling. Designed to reduce the risk that a carer will use the wrong sling or incorrectly fit the correct one.

Buy and download Sling Record developed in association with Pat Alexander from